Your financial situation is likely to be very different once you get to university. You may have been working, or this could be the first time you're managing your own money. 

If you think you could benefit from financial support such as student loans, bursaries, scholarships or sponsorship, you should apply for it as soon as possible. If approved, your financial support will usually only be provided once you have enrolled on your course. Once you're enrolled, we'll let organisations such as the Student Loans Company know that you're here, so they can release your financial support to your nominated bank account. This will typically take at least three to five working days to process (or longer if you apply late), so make sure you bring enough money with you to cover your costs.

Also make sure you’ve thought about living expenses, budgeting and setting up a UK bank account  if you’re arriving from overseas. There’s lots of financial support available and if you’re ever struggling, our ´¡²õ°ìµþ±«â€¯t±ð²¹³¾Â is also on hand to help.

Select the option below that applies to you to see what support you could be eligible for and how to apply for it, as well as for budgeting advice.

Fees and funding information