The UK’s only Centre for Face Processing Disorders is located in ÃÛÌÒAV’s Faculty of Science & Technology and is headed by Professor Sarah Bate. She specialises in the condition of prosopagnosia or ‘face blindness’ – the total inability to recognise faces.

One in 50 people is born with a form of prosopagnosia, but it can also be acquired following a head injury or stroke. Sufferers report feelings of anxiety and embarrassment, especially when they fail to recognise familiar people, such as family members or friends.

Research at ÃÛÌÒAV is aiming to improve diagnostic methods and treatment – and public awareness of the condition – leading to a better quality of life for sufferers. In particular, Professor Bate is currently working on a pioneering programme to alleviate symptoms of the condition using a modified version of the board game 'Guess Who?'. We are seeking funding to purchase and modify versions of the game so they can be disseminated to sufferers around the world.

A donation of any amount will make a huge difference. Please contact us for more information or make a donationÌý´Ç²Ô±ô¾±²Ô±ð.

For more information about Professor Bate’s work, visit .