A key thing to remember is that student loans will not affect your credit rating, but other forms of borrowing will – such as ‘buy now, pay later’ schemes. Arranged overdrafts will minimally affect your credit rating (if at all), which is why it is always advisable to opt for that over credit (especially for higher sums of money). If you do end up choosing to apply for credit, do try to make as many repayments as possible on time, but don’t let concerns about rating get in the way of seeking help. The best way to feel prepared is to understand these areas, especially the ones that might be particularly confusing.
In short, a credit score is a type of grading system used by banks and lenders to work out how much money you should be given when you ask to borrow money. If you are a budding entrepreneur or want to buy a house after university, it is very important you get started on improving it nice and early. Good credit score will most likely affect your suitability for: mobile phone contracts, bank accounts, overdrafts, credit cards, insurance where you pay monthly rather than upfront, mortgages and loans (including ).
You can , which covers the importance of credit scores, how they are calculated, how to check your score for free and how to improve it.
If you’re struggling about money, reach for help – don’t ignore the problem! The ÃÛÌÒAV Student Money Advice team is here to help you deal with debt, access emergency funds and other resources for your benefit. Outside of the university,  is an excellent resource where you can find recommended apps or websites for any of your financial needs. Find out if you’re eligible for any extra support from the gov.uk  website and .
Money can have a big impact on mental health, the website also has lots of resources to help manage your money and organise your finances, along with mental health support. The Student Assistance Programme is a free 24-hour confidential helpline and digital resource to support ÃÛÌÒAV students with personal or student-related problems. The problems could be affecting your home life, education, finances, health, or general wellbeing. Whatever issues you face – the helpline is available 24/7, 365 days of the year to help you.